
Housing allowance

Housing allowance is possible for most* apartments, depending on your age and the height of basic rent. For people under the age of 23, unfortunately the Dutch Tax Authority (Belastingdienst) doesn’t give housing allowance for these apartments. Are you 23 years or older? Then you are eligible for housing allowance in case the basic rent is lower than €808.

The following is included in the advance payment for service costs (€136 per month); internet, furniture and soft furnishing, utility costs excluding heating for your own apartment, security and cleaning of the common areas (and more).

Only a small part of the advance payment for the service costs is included in the so called “calculation rent” (rekenhuur). The Tax Authority (Belastingdienst) base the housing allowance you receive on this calculation rent. Also see: more information housing allowance at our FAQ page.

*About 65% of the apartments have a lower rental price than €808. You can enter your preferences in your profile page.

Campus contract
  • You can remain living in the apartment for one year following your graduation
  • You have a minimum notice period of one full calendar month

From the monthly costs you pay to us, you might receive an amount between €330 and €380 back as housing allowance from the Dutch Tax Authority (Belastingdienst), if you are eligible.

Apartment specifications

For a complete list of all apartments with their detailed specifications click here

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